Sock It to Homelessness
We collect socks all year-round and have a goal of collecting 30,000 socks in the next 6 months. Please join us!
Get sock donation details here
Donna Jean’s Women’s Shelter Building Campaign
Please join us in creating a safe, comfortable space so women experiencing homelessness can lay their heads and sleep soundly at night.
Lighting the Path Fundraising Dinner
A big thank you to our entire community for making our Lighting the Path event a success! It was an evening full of making connections, enjoying each other’s company and learning more about Nightwatch.
Volunteer Orientation
Volunteering the first time can be a bit overwhelming too. So we want to give you a chance to come look around, to hear in greater detail about the various volunteer opportunities, without making a commitment. Please join us!
Get more Volunteer Orientation details
Learn more about volunteering at Nightwatch
Nightwatch News
We publish a monthly newsletter – the stories are short and to the point, the sort of stories you would share with friends, stories of survival, failure and redemption.
Need a Speaker?
Hear more about homelessness in the community, the work of Nightwatch, and stories from the streets of Seattle.
Nightwatch can provide a program for your school, community group, church, Sunday school class, or home fellowship.
Just give us a call. (206) 323-4359 ext. 5.