Nightwatch Shelter

How to access food and shelter at Operation Nightwatch

Photo of Nightwatch building at nightHours for inside meal service 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm nightly.

Hours for potential shelter placement: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm nightly.

Each night, we have a limited number of off-site shelter beds available for men and women. To qualify for a bed at a Nightwatch off-site shelter, you must show up in person at our Shelter Dispatch Center. There is no guarantee that shelter will be available on any given night.

Our homeless guests are encouraged to “travel light.” There is no room at Nightwatch shelters to store belongings.

Our Shelter Dispatch Center location:

302 14th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98144

Transit connections
The building is served by a number of Metro routes (depending on how far you care to walk) and by the streetcar line which connects Pioneer Square with Broadway and First Hill.

  • Route 14: On Jackson, one block south.
  • Route 7: 12th Ave S. and S. Jackson, three blocks away.
  • Route 27: 14th Ave. and Yesler, three blocks to the north.
  • Route 36: 12th Ave. S. and S. Jackson, three blocks away.
  • Street Car: Stops on 14th Ave S, just a block north of the building.
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